Tuesday, December 31, 2019

How Instagram Defined the 2010s

‘Does anyone have a not cringe oldest photo?’ — We asked these NowThis staffers to scroll back to their first IG photo. This is how Instagram changed the world in the 2010s.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Inside The Cryptocurrency Revolution

Bitcoin’s emergence as a global digital currency has been as revolutionary as it has been erratic. But while fledgling investors obsess over every fluctuation in the cryptocurrency market, nation-states are more interested in the underlying blockchain technology and its ability to revolutionize how business is done on the internet and beyond. VICE's Michael Moynihan travels to Russia with Vitalik Buterin, inventor of the ethereum blockchain, to get a front-row seat to the geopolitical tug of war over Internet 3.0.

Friday, December 13, 2019

A.I. Is Making it Easier to Kill (You). Here’s How. | NYT

A tank that drives itself. A drone that picks its own targets. A machine gun with facial recognition software. Sounds like science fiction? A.I. fueled weapons are already here.

The Rise Of Open-Source Software

Open-source software powers nearly all the world’s major companies. This software is freely available, and is developed collaboratively, maintained by a broad network that includes everyone from unpaid volunteers to employees at competing tech companies. Here’s how giving away software for free has proven to be a viable business model.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

What facial recognition steals from us

There's a massive bait-and-switch at the center of facial recognition technology. Submit your story ideas, questions, and tips for Open Sourced: http://www.vox.com/opensourcednetwork

Monday, October 21, 2019

Why You Should Be Getting Paid for Your Data

Computer scientist and futurist Jaron Lanier has a plan to fix the internet. This Silicon Valley maverick has a radical vision for how we can all earn money from our data. Every time you click on a website -- yes, even that ad right there -- a company is keeping a little bit of your information, and someone somewhere is making money off of it. Lanier argues that every bit of data out there belongs to the person who created it, and if anyone should be getting paid for it, it's you. He has a plan to make this happen.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Amazon Rekognition: Biri bizi gözetliyor - DW Türkçe

Amazon'un yüz tanıma sistemi Rekognition ile Washington polis teşkilatı 300 bin suçlunun resmini sistemine ekledi, basın mensupları Prens Harry ile ABD'li oyuncu Meghan Markle'ın düğüne gelen ünlüleri hızlıca tespit edebildi. Bu teknoloji milyonlarca görseli sınıflandırıp, içinde belirli bir resmi aramak isteyen birçok şirkete hitap ediyor. Hatta hedef tüketici kitlesinin yeni bir reklama duygusal olarak nasıl tepki verdiğini ölçmek için de birçok markanın ilgisini çekiyor. Ancak bu yazılım bizi gözetleyen "büyük birader"e dönüşüyor. Nasıl mı? YouTube kanalımıza abone olmayı unutmayın: www.youtube.com/dwturkce

Thursday, April 18, 2019

The history of the most popular memes (2004-2019)

This video has dead memes in it. DATA SOURCES: Meme viewcounts came from Know Your Meme: http://knowyourmeme.com Trend data came from Google Trends: https://trends.google.com/trends/