From soccer mad adult stars to stock market crashes, there's a lot more to Twitter than 140 characters. Learn all about it with these 10 curious facts about Twitter.
Music = Good Time Charlie 2 by Adam Drake and Liam Watson
Свободу политзаключенным по делу 6 мая, экологу Евгению Витишко и всем политическим заключенным! Приходите в Замоскворецкий суд Москвы 24 февраля в 10:30 — когда будет читаться приговор Болотного процесса.
Freedom to all political prisoners on the May 6 case, to the environmentalist Evgeny Vitishko and all other political prisoners! See you at the Zamoskvoretsky court in Moscow on February 24 at 10.30 — when the judge will start to read the sentence for the May 6 case.
50 миллиардов и радужный Лучик, Роднина и Кабаева факелы вручат. В лагерях подчиняться и плакать научат. Салют начальничкам, привет, Дуче!
Сочи блокирован — Олимп под надзором. Спецсредства, оружие, толпы ментов. ФСБ — аргумент, МВД — аргумент, По России-1 — аплодисменты.
Путин научит тебя любить Родину.
Весна в России бывает внезапной, Привет мессии в качестве залпа. Авроры, прокурор настроен по-хамски, Ему нужен отпор, а не красивые глазки.
Вольер для протеста, водка, матрешка, Тюрьма для Болотной, наливка, икорка, В петле конституция, на зоне Витишко, Стабильность, пайка, забор, вышка.
Путин научит тебя любить Родину.
Для Дождя перекрыт эфир. Гей-прайд отправлен в сортир. Двухочковый туалет — приоритет. Приговор России, режим общий, шесть лет.
Путин научит тебя любить Родину.
Родину Родину Родину
$50 billion and a rainbow ray Rodnina and Kabayeva will pass you the torch They'll teach you to submit and cry in the camps Fireworks for the bosses. Hail, Duce!
Sochi is blocked, Olympus is under surveillance Special forces, weapons, crowds of cops FSB — argument, Interior Ministry — Argument On [state-owned] Channel 1 — applause
Putin will teach you to love the Motherland
In Russia, the spring can come suddenly Greetings to the Messiah in the form of a volley from Aurora, the prosecutor is determined to be rude He needs resistance, not pretty eyes
An bird cage for protest, vodka, nesting doll Jail for the Bolotnaya [activists], drinks, caviar The Constitution is in a noose, [environmental activist] Vitishko is in jail Stability, food packets, fence, watch tower
Putin will teach you to love the Motherland
They will turn off [opposition TV] Dozhd's broadcast The gay parade has been sent to the outhouse A two-point bathroom is the priority The verdict for Russia is jail for six years
Putin will teach you to love the Motherland
Motherland Motherland Motherland
* The English translation is by Julia Ioffe. Read the original article with explanatory links on selected words for better understanding of the context:
The battlefield is the Internet. Whoever wins the Internet wins the war.
(h)ac(k)tivist -- (hak-tuh-vist) noun: a person who uses technology to bring about social change.
The Hacker Wars —a film about the targeting of (h)ac(k)tivists, activists and journalists by the US government. There is a war going on—a war for our minds, The Hacker Wars.
The government needs to control information. The Hacker Wars is about the information warriors who are fighting back